Couldn’t resist and snapped up a Benchmade 940 Osborne. Can’t wait to review it. After only two Benchmade reviews, I reckon it’s about time I did another one. Also I have been indulging my nicotine habit using snuff as of late. Cigar taxes are just too high here in the UK sadly.
Everyday Carry Item Breakdown
- Pocket Knife
Benchmade 940 Osborne
> Read my review of the Benchmade 940 Osborne
- Fountain Pen
Twsbi Eco - Snuff
Toque Menthol - Planner
Hobonichi Techo Yearly Planner
> Read my review of the Hobonici Techo
Hey Thomas. You should try Whisky & Honey, along with the USA Whiskey & Honey which is blended with toasted Rustica and packs a real punch. I get a touch of caramel with the normal W&H which i love, and you also get a good nic-hit but for a smack in the face with a nicotine shovel i like the US W&H.
Howdy Shaun, I have been snuffing the German stuff more as I find it easier to snuff- I seem to be a complete amateur as when I try the dryer snuffs, I find it hard to control and it decides to run straight to the back of my throat. :(
I bought a bunch of Wilsons of Sharrow snuff- what do you think of it?
Yeah. I know what you mean about it hitting the back of your throat, so I’m quite gentle inhaling any toast snuff. One tip I could give you is take almost a full breath, full to the point that you can only take a little sniff (because you’re full), and that should stop the worst of it. On the subject of Wilsons, I’ve had a few but I always have a 25gram tin of Irish High Toast No.22 kicking around.
To be honest I get sinus problems so I’ve got to be really careful with snuff, my all day every day tobacco is Swedish Snus which I get from I’ve been on that for the last 10 years. I always have some Whisky & Honey, USA Whiskey & Honey, No:22, and some Samuel Gawith Irish D Light around for the odd pinch during the day, but I like my snus really.
Thanks for the tip Shaun, i’ll give it a try! Interestingly, I have a tin of Irish High Toast No22 right in front of me- have yet to open it but I will attempt it with your technique.
I used to be a heavy snuser (Thunder Frosted Extra Stark Los) but Elise hates it and so I switched to vaping and snuff.
Thanks for the advise mate, I appreciate it.