As this pandemic stretches to an unforeseeable conclusion, this felt like a good time to drop back in and give you lot an update on my own perspective as a jaded prepper. The current situation here in Portugal is, to put it bluntly, dire. We have skyrocketing infection rates rivalling the UK, a health care system on the brink of collapse and as you would expect a government who is reacting to ...
Emergency Experience: Forest Fire on My Doorstep
The interesting thing about forest fires is the powerlessness one feels when placed kissing distance from an inferno. I never really understood the underlying threat of forest fires until 3 days ago, but folks, I learnt that lesson pronto. First things first, forest fires have zero chill. It started off with a faint whiff of an amateur BBQ whilst I was pacing in the garden and within 10 ...
Coronavirus: A (Realist) Prepper’s Perspective on the World Opening Up
As the world unwinds our collective enforced isolation protocols, it's good to take stock of the situation at hand and see where this will lead us. The reality is that the economy shutting down until a vaccine is discovered & mass inoculation occurs would be almost impossible with regards to our economy and its resilience. The fact of the matter is, consumption is what drives our world ...
The Coronavirus Crisis Is Going to Upend Our World in a Way We Can’t Really Fathom
Figured I was long overdue for an update. With lockdown still in effect, I have no longer have much of an excuse. Isolation is an odd word in our new reality. As a society we have never been so connected. The world is just a click away and it seems (to me at least) that we have never communicated so much. Annoyingly so in fact. From my jaded eyeballs, I attempt to spend my days keeping ...
Will the Coronavirus Make Regular People More Prepper Minded?
If there's one thing that's bothering me the absolute most about this pandemic, it's the uncertainty. The fact that we don't and can't know when this will all blow over leaves me a little on edge. And yes, I know that Thomas & I will likely be fine no matter how long it takes - due to our preps, our good health, our age, and the fact that we live in a country that's dealt, quite frankly, ...
Come on Governments, of Course FOMO = Panic Buying; Can’t Stop Human Nature
As this crisis continues unabated throughout our little blue planet, I find myself growing more and more irritated with the powers that be. Since I have been on lock down for what feels forever (you will understand soon enough America!), I want to talk rant about a pet peeve of mine. So, the government is currently outraged that people are panic buying and figuring out ways to deal with the ...