We’ve all seen it before – the sharp yellow flag featuring a rattlesnake and the words “Don’t Tread On Me.” Chances are if you’re here, it’s because you got curious enough to Google the meaning of the flag, and want to know at least a little bit about its historical significance. Chances are you have also seen it quite a few times before Googling, maybe even used it yourself without knowing the full history, bought a T-shirt with the symbol on it, or seen someone walking around with one on.
The flag featuring the defiant rattlesnake and sharp yellow background, is actually called the Gadsden Flag, and it’s been around since Benjamin Franklin’s time. Franklin actually referred to the imagery of the flag when he suggested sending rattlesnakes to England as a method of repaying England for sending criminals to America way back in his day. But we’ll get into the flag’s historical significance more in a later section in this article.
Ever since it’s creation, the rattlesnake, the flag itself, and the message – “Don’t Tread on Me” have been a visible symbol of American individualism and assertiveness over the years. It’s a message that has lived on through the ages, and I feel will continue to represent strength in the years to come.
What Does “Don’t Tread On Me” Mean? What Does the Rattlesnake Symbolize?
The Gadsden flag is often described as the American equivalent of the Spartan “molon labe” (“come and take [them]”) motto. The comparison is apt as they both represent responding with force to perceived threats, but I have always preferred the Gadsden flag as the perfect expression of subtle defiance and resistance. It’s not a declaration of war, but rather an implicit threat implying: “We won’t take shit from anyone.”
This is spelled out, not as a contrarian argument, but more as a fact – a plainly put statement of resistance, which makes it far more applicable to day-to-day life and thus far more frequently used and thus ubiquitous in terms of seeing it used regularly. In my mind, “Don’t Tread on Me” is very similar to the Roman, “Si vis pacem, para bellum” (If you want peace, prepare for war). It’s a fair warning for all would-be oppressors to back off. Regardless of where you’re from, I think this is a sentiment you can relate to on a human level.
The History Behind the Gadsden Flag
The Gadsden Flag was designed in 1775 during the American Revolution by the general and politician Christopher Gadsden. Originally, it was flown by the Continental Marines as a motto flag along with the Moultrie (Liberty Flag).
Its application in history is rooted in its imagery – the infamous snake has been used in the past by Benjamin Franklin’s “Join, or Die.” – which was actually the first political cartoon – and the rattlesnake as a symbol continued to be used throughout the years as the representation of the American people and their drive for self-determination.
If you’re wondering if it’s ever been used to promote racist agendas before, yes, it has. Indeed the “Don’t Tread on Me” flag has at times in the past been hijacked by less than savoury groups. Frankly, however, I wouldn’t put much weight on that. Why? That’s not at all what it was created to mean. It was never originally intended to be used this way, and if tomorrow, My Little Pony were randomly hijacked to represent something terrible, degrading, and racist, I’d like to think people wouldn’t put any fault on My Little Pony for that – it’s just plain not what the intended purpose of the original creation was.
It’s very easy for people to claim any symbol “as their own” and twist it for their own ends. Objectively speaking, we can find negative connotations attached to all symbols, so on that note; any mention of racist connotations regarding the Gadsden flag or the phrase “Don’t Tread On Me” demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of its history and seems to be pushed by a movement levelled by individuals who have an axe to grind against anything that didn’t spawn at a Starbucks. I find it thoroughly disappointing that so much of our relations with our fellow man have dwindled down to petty partisan bullshit, but here we are.
2017 folks. The fact that this is even being debated is tragic, but to settle the matter once and for all; From the New Yorker:
“The origins of ‘Don’t Tread On Me,’ “ Leepson summarizes, “were completely, one hundred percent anti-British, and pro-revolution.” Indeed, that E.E.O.C. directive agrees, “It is clear that the Gadsden Flag originated in the Revolutionary War in a non-racial context.”
[*] I am aware that as a Brit, it is extremely ironic that I am happy to use the Gadsden flag as a symbol of defiance. On that note, if you accept Her Majesty the Queen as your sovereign monarch I am sure all will be forgiven. I’ll await for your formal notice. ;)
With regards to the rattlesnake’s historical adoption as a symbol of the strength of American independence, Benjamin Franklin phrased it best in his essay published by the Pennsylvania Journal (quote pulled from this source);
I recollected that her eye excelled in brightness, that of any other animal, and that she has no eye-lids. She may therefore be esteemed an emblem of vigilance. She never begins an attack, nor, when once engaged, ever surrenders: She is therefore an emblem of magnanimity and true courage. As if anxious to prevent all pretensions of quarreling with her, the weapons with which nature has furnished her, she conceals in the roof of her mouth, so that, to those who are unacquainted with her, she appears to be a most defenseless animal; and even when those weapons are shown and extended for her defense, they appear weak and contemptible; but their wounds however small, are decisive and fatal. Conscious of this, she never wounds ’till she has generously given notice, even to her enemy, and cautioned him against the danger of treading on her.
Was I wrong, Sir, in thinking this a strong picture of the temper and conduct of America?
All this to say, using the rattlesnake as a symbol of American independence and strength made perfect sense due to the predominance of the timber rattlesnake throughout the Thirteen Colonies and the perception of the rattlesnake as an animal that won’t attack until provoked, but will leave a nasty bite once it is.
As a side note, the original Gadsden flag shows the snake by itself. Modern versions from the 20th century onwards, sometimes have a grass bed below the rattlesnake. There can also be some debate over the use of an apostrophe over the “Don’t,” but early versions all (for the most part) use an apostrophe, so as far as I am concerned it is the standard. Similarly, the snake is usually facing left.
Modern Applications: How the Flag is Used Today
The Gadsden flag has carried over as a symbol of defiance against the perception of tyranny. Its significance, I feel, transcends all nationalities and creeds.
In present day, the Gadsden Flag is iconic in its symbolism as a rallying cry for Libertarianism and individual liberty, as far as the modern mainstream political discourse will allow it to be.
I will say that common criminals masquerading as “anarchists” have in the past hijacked this flag, and it’s a damn shame that that’s happened to such a valuable historical symbol of strength, but broadly speaking the flag still is taken to represent freedom and, more importantly, the willingness to fight for this freedom.
To the best of my knowledge, no single group has ever “claimed” the flag, appropriating it completely for itself. Instead, the flag has been used time and time again as an iconic symbol of rebelliousness.
One example of the flag having been used in an attempt to show a rebellious spirit with no ill-intention meant: the heavy metal band Metallica using the outline of the rattlesnake on the cover of their Black Album back in 1991.
Walk around malls often enough and you’re likely to see the rattlesnake featured on band t-shirt reproductions of this popular cover art.
The perception from the media (broadly speaking) is that this flag is a right wing symbol. This is patently false. You also often get the perception, from the media, that this flag is somehow representative of anti-government ways of thought, which I feel is moderately true – only insofar as it’s often used to be representative of the oppression of government and the sacrifice of individual liberties.
The Gadsden flag cannot be considered anti-government from a historical perspective, especially considering how Benjamin Franklin used it in the past. Again it remains, in my opinion, a symbol of individual liberty and freedom, and strength in the face of potential oppressors of that liberty. 2nd amendment causes, individual liberty, pro constitution, and anti big government movements have rallied around this symbol, though this doesn’t fall out of line with the general message of the flag because they consider big government to be their potential oppressors.
Personal Meaning: What “Don’t Tread On Me” Means to Me
As for me?
I take this flag to mean – I’ll mind my own business, if you mind yours. If you don’t, you will regret it.
This way of thinking is becoming a rarity in mainstream culture. We tiptoe around our individuality promoting this bizarre sense of forced collective cohesion, which I think is incredibly detrimental to society. We have forgotten that it is a-okay to dislike other people, and yet still respect them and their individual right to dislike you in turn.
People are different. That’s normal. That’s good. We should accept that fact and move on.
Resisting is not a bad word, nor should it be considered one. Why? Because being different is not bad, and it should be celebrated instead of condemned. Resisting other’s attempts at forcing you to do things you don’t want to do, resisting attempts at taking away your personal liberties – I feel this is an important message that the Gadsden flag still reinforces today. The Gadsden flag is a representation that consequences are on the table should respect not be reciprocal – there’s nothing in that sentiment that’s negative, in my opinion.
Personally, I don’t view the Gadsden flag as abrasive in nature, despite recent media frenzy over it. For me, the flag and the snake represent accountability. Every action has a reaction – a rattlesnake will hold you accountable for provoking it. Again, it doesn’t strike first, just reacts defensively to keep itself safe from harm from another entity. It’s a tacit acceptance that even with everything that is going on around us, all the rage, anger and accusations being thrown around the media, some of us will hold our ground; our rights are our own and will remain as such – because we will defend them to make it so.
Something to think about.
Your Thoughts on the Gadsden Flag?
How about you? What do you associate with the Gadsden flag? Do you think it spreads an overall positive message or a negative one? What have you in the past taken, “Don’t Tread on Me,” and the rattle snake to mean?
Did you know about it’s history? Learn anything new about its meaning and how it’s been used over the years?
What do you feel as though it’s come to represent? Do you think its meaning has changed over time?
Leave me a comment to let me know.
Jamie says
One day at a time let’s consider the ants
Bill Granville says
Good job sir. Great information. It gives me a whole new view on what the flag stands for. It fits how I was raised. My dad always told me “NEVER START A FIGHT BUT DON’T EVR WALK AWAY FROM ONE.” I have the American flag flying at my home and have for many years. I am a veteran and Damn proud of it. Three things I would die protecting. My God, my country and my family. I will be flying a new flag with my American flag. Thank you.
Thomas Xavier says
Thanks for dropping by Bill, much appreciated.
Lisa says
Thank you Mr. Xavier for your explanation of the history of the Gadsden Flag. I never really thought too much about it until the other day when we, I and my brother, flushed out a rattlesnake and killed it. My first thought was Genesis 3:15 “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” Later that day I thought about this flag and the Don’t Tread On Me statement and why a snake? It makes perfect sense to say don’t mess with me and I won’t retaliate. Rattlesnakes, to their credit, usually give fair warning until they finally feel threatened and strike back. I’ve experienced a niece, a nephew, and three of their dogs get bit by rattlesnakes. Thankfully they all survived the encounter. I now kinda feel bad for helping cause it’s death because it was just living it’s life just like me. On that note, thank you again for the history lesson. I for one stand for our great nation of the United States! Even though we are going through dark times now, I don’t know any other place I would rather live!
Joanne says
Don’t tread on me unless I am a pregnant woman , or a gay person. Then it’s okay.
Thomas Xavier says
Rights apply to all, infer your own freedom in your own way and fight for it, thats how society progresses.
Andi says
Excellent article! That’s very much what I’ve always believed it to mean.
Freedom is worth defending!
Thomas Xavier says
Indeed. Thanks for dropping by Andi!
Amanda L McCaughey says
Hmm, based on the prevalence and people that “I” personally know that wave this flag and put it as their profile pic are equivalent the pics of politicians (women) in bikinis holding an AR. It either Makes me giggle or vomit, based upon my exposure to stupid/ignorant people that day. But, hey I have reasons for my knee jerk view. I’m a daughter of a Vietnam combat vet. (Raised by my hero) I grew up hard, fast and on the rural route. I never met a lion that had to tell me they were a lion.
Thomas Xavier says
Yeah, I get it. Its frustrating to be tarred with the same brush due to cultural association. :/
Alfonso Macias says
Excellent article! Thanks. I still have a conflict with the “DONT”, which is the right way? Or why they missed the apostrophe…
Thomas Xavier says
I suspect they missed the apostrophe. Don’t is the only right way to spell it. Thanks for the compliment & dropping by mate!
Christian Silver says
At the time, the American’s had begun to spell words differently than the Queen’s English. If you read our Federal Constitution you will find capitalizations which would not be “proper” today.
This follows suit in many early Supreme Court rulings.
Carly says
I learned so much from this! I knew some but not that Ben Franklin used it. I might have to get one now. Thank you!
Thomas Xavier says
You’re welcome!
David Wignall says
Thank you for your insights into the origin and meaning of the Gadsden flag. They confirm my understanding and hopefully will ease my wife’s fear of flying my new acquisition below my Betsy Ross.
David Wignall
Saint Helena, CA
Thomas Xavier says
You’re welcome mate.
Wendy Hendrickson says
I appreciate this article, I feel the need to acquire as much information as I can during this time. I live in an area where I am seeing this more and more and it is usually accompanied by a confederate flag ( I live in the PNW BY the way – not a LOT of reason for such a flag). Some of our local “boys” headed in to our small downtown area to “protect” business from looters….they had assault rifles and flags on their trucks. I was not impressed. And so, I would love to understand what THEY are thinking it means. So, the more information I have on this the better, can I ask what some of the narratives are out there around this so that I can be better equipped to engage in a conversation about this flag, should it arise? I have looked on the internet but I fear that I will get bad information and you seem to know your shit, so I would like to stick to one source.
Thomas Xavier says
Hi Wendy! Sorry about the late response- as for the confederate flag, I never personally understood it. The confederacy was around for less time than the Spice Girls so the “my heritage” argument never made much sense. Furthermore, the confederacy was an enemy to the United States of America & its subsequent constitution which those same confederacy types view (and rightly so imo) as the heart of the republic.
So yes, no comment on the confederate flag, the history from that period in time is not worth idolizing in my opinion and when it comes to history you can’t cherry pick the parts you like and ignore the horrific abuses that were rampant in that time.
Sorry for the wall of text but I would broadly say that people who hijack icons do so to push an ideology which doesn’t necessarily have much to do about the icon’s original intent or purpose. I hope this helped somewhat, sorry that I couldn’t provide a definitive catch-all answer. ;)
NoyfB says
Thank you for the write-up,
a topic of interesting colors and tales, I’ve always been fascinated at the times when this flag seems to make it’s self visible. I do appreciate the amazing fervor to protect rights, to remain unique, and even independent if that’s possible from the ineptitude of centralized govt.? If I may. Col Gadsden was seen to be an icon of independence in all it’s forms. Absolutely we should maintain vigilance but not the old wars, I prefer Sun Tzu. That’s not to say we shouldn’t think about others and remember our duty to community and to help the weak and be an asset not a liability to our extended family. I like it. But,with all heralds of freedom and independence and the right to be be left alone, to do as thou wilt and harm none, as it were. I worry we are missing the boat. These things we don’t like offer no convenience to us, if they offered convenience while “treading” upon us, how willing would we be to allow it? For example, every piece of “smart” technology, a recorder, a collector, a watcher, an interpreter, a recognizer, a tracker and yet it while it offers instant data that the brain requests. Every last ounce of your being measured and sold to the highest bidder your likes, dislikes, what you think, what you don’t think, why you have this website? who are your companions. Why you drive and buy the way you do, and why do you watch what you watch.
Isn’t that “treading” ? treading on all, criminal or not, while you covet your rights for independence and the right to do what ever you want. They are allowing it. Because now it can be sold. The new “boot” to your snake is the new corporate surveillance state. ..you will buy another phone, use the internet that’s being charged to you for all input, you will embrace the body-less voice and the movies for your kids and the internet of things so you can watch your thermostat while you eat dinner, It happened while everyone was asleep, and no guns or bombs or protests or votes will do anything to stop it.
Except disuse. But you will cherry pick and justify why it’s all to late and nothing can be done so lets just keep doing what we’re doing like sheep. No offense.
That’s what Don’t Tread On Me, should mean as well. Otherwise your freedom is meaningless.
Thomas Xavier says
Freedom is about choice mate, that includes the choice to be spied on etc. I don’t have personal social media accounts but that is a decision I chose for myself. You can’t reasonably argue for freedom whilst saying that the things you don’t like shouldn’t be available for people to freely choose.
Transparency is the solution here, if people know what they are trading (their data for free access to email for example) then I see no issue. The concern is when companies to things without our knowledge or consent- and that is where civil minded litigators come into play.
Vincent P says
Excellent blog. I appreciate the facts and your sticking to the history. You did a thorough job and your unique perspective as a Brit really added a lot of weight to the truth behind the flag’s meaning. Thanks for such a solid blog post.
-Sorry about the double reply to Susan. It looked like my first attempt failed with a 404, so I took a second swing at it.
Thomas Xavier says
Thanks Vincent, much appreciate the support! I love history and the misinformation with the Gadsden flag is everywhere.
Susan Negele says
Thank you for this ambiguous article. My interest was piqued when a new neighbor raised this flag under Old Glory. Reading through comments and replies i have become increasingly alarmed by this symbolic gesture being placed on his property. You see, said neighbor has sent sheriffs to my home on multiple occasions. After moving into a ranch community they angrily shunned horse and riders who attempted to show good will and hospitality to the newcomers. I stayed clear but a teenage girl unwittingly watered her horse at his back pond on a hot day of trail riding. I was served tresspassing papers with a flashlight at my gate soon after. Local sheriff posse members are saddened by the intolerance shown by the new owners towards those of us who work so hard to promote a pleasant equine experience in this urban ranch community. This flag no longer symbolises freedom but exibits hostility and the use of govt force to mediate in their affairs.
Vincent P says
You’ve given an example of one neighbor who happens to fly the flag. You are basing your opinions on one individual and commenting that “This flag no longer symbolises [sic] freedom but exhibits hostility and the use of govt force to mediate in their affairs.” The flaw in this thinking is obvious, so I’ll move on to my next point. Change can be difficult, and a new neighbor who doesn’t want anyone else on their property can be troublesome for riders who are used to having free use of neighboring property and treating such land as communal. I understand that; however, you have failed to realize that this neighbor owns their property and thereby has every right to control who sets foot or hoof on it. If they choose to not allow anyone on it, that is their right. By not respecting this and trespassing, you, or anyone else who does so, are violating their rights. This individual could do many things to keep people off their land, and they employed the means by which the government has established in order to keep the peace and protect rights. Would you rather they put up barbed, razor, or electric fence? Perhaps no fence and warn with signs cautioning traps or some other means of potential direct or indirect harm to violators? It seems like this neighbor has used a peaceful, legitimate, and inarguable means to enforce their land rights, one in particular that allows them to protect themselves in a court of law if necessary. It seems like to me this flag is being flown by someone who does support freedom. In this case, it’s the freedom to own land and not suffer trespassers without recourse.
Vincent P says
You’re taking one example of an unfriendly neighbor and using it to assign a stereotype to this flag. The flaw in this kind of thinking is obvious and socially detrimental, so I’ll move on to my next point.
Change can be difficult to deal with and I agree that it’s unfortunate in your case, and that of other riders, that this neighbor is restricting the use of their property; however, the land is just that, their property. They have the right to own land and to decide who can set foot or hoof on it, regardless of whatever relationship you had with the previous owners and the land they owned. Like everyone else, the new owners have the right to property and to protect it. By not respecting their rights, you are infringing upon them. If this is unclear, specifically, you are implying that they should return the good will and hospitality that the riders have attempted to show them. That good will and hospitality is allowing communal use of their land and ignoring trespassers. They have no obligation to do so as this would be the very infringement that I mentioned. Let me give another example. Imagine you buy a car from a friend, but I’ve been camping out in that car once a week for two years to sell my personally mix music in a parking lot and then sleep one night. You now own the car, but I continue to use the car as I did before because that was the previous arrangement with the friend. Your logic above would obligate you, as the new owner, to continue this arrangement which would, naturally, be an infringement on your rights to the property of the car.
You’ve also complained that the new neighbors used the government to mediate in their affairs. They’ve simply employed the one entity that exists to protect their rights peacefully, the local law enforcement agency. There are many less peaceful means within their rights that they could employ instead like barbed, razor, or electric fencing, live traps, firearms, or verbal berating, or creating and keeping dangerous wildlife dens (such as for rattlesnakes) near trails. Naturally, local law enforcement is the best way and allows them to keep a record of such should they need to appear in a court of law regarding the unlawful trespasses of their lands. You say this flag no longer symbolizes freedom, but I see that this neighbor has done nothing but attempt to protect their freedom in a peaceful manner. It certainly seems like the flag’s history remains the same.
Kent McManigal says
Vincent- I agree with everything you said except for your characterization of sending legislation enforcement as “peaceful”. It’s not. It’s one of the least peaceful things a person can do. It is a credible threat to kill, in every case. Maybe death is justified, maybe not. But calling legislation enforcers is not peaceful. It’s just farming out the aggression to gangsters who are paid with money stolen “legally” [sic] from the population.
Mele says
Very well written and explained. I even had a nice laugh when you mentioned ideas being spawned at a starbucks. I just purchased a hat with this image on it. To me the snake and “Don’t tread on me” was pretty self explanatory, but I wanted to get clarification on the history. After reading your article it makes me even more proud as an American to wear my hat. Great writers like yourself always make me jealous of not being such a good writer, but I still love a good read. Thanks!
Thomas Xavier says
Thanks for the compliment Mele, much appreciated!
A Conservatarian Patriot says
Thank you, Mr. Xavier! I have always loved this flag and what it meant…or at least what I felt it meant, which you so beautifully laid out for us readers!
I consider myself a ‘Conservatarian’ and have been since I started paying taxes (during college in the mid to late 90’s I considered myself to the left, but I see now how the brainwashing worked as I had professors preaching the wonders of communism and when that’s all you hear for several years…well, I got suckered)…
Now, my wife and I have two boys in middle school and my oldest son and I were fairly regular callers into the David Webb Show before we moved and started our second company across the country.
I will try to get it my point here…so I bring this up as I graduated in the late 90’s and started working in a very progressive/left-leaning industry. I’ve been extremely successful, I love the industry, I love many of the people, although I know many would ‘cut me off’ immediately if they knew that I love freedom and couldn’t care less about anyone’s skin color or sexual preference.
*And, it just kills me that I know I can’t be myself for the simple reason that I’m such an outlier in my industry (the Outdoor Industry – think REI, Patagonia, etc.) and I would be totally black-balled and there’s no way I would be where I am if I shared my views (which are very mainstream Libertarian/Conservative – I don’t have a racist, intolerant or otherwise disgraceful bone in my body.
**I FEEL STUCK, or rather, almost cowardly because I hear people, pundits and the like, on our side say “don’t let these people silence you” and I agree but at the same time…I literally can’t be more open because of the INTOLERANCE ON THE LEFT. I would not have been able to start and sell a company, nor would I have the company which we have now if I were to try to talk to those from the other side, in a calm and rational way to try and sway minds…I’m in sales and I have solid arguments so I’m not silent because I’m afraid of what people will think of me, but I’m silent because my families well being and our future, would 1000% be in jeopardy of going out of business.
THIS KILLS ME…and while I believe my boys understand, I would 1000% be VERY ACTIVE POLITICALLY, if my family weren’t dependent on me. So, while I agree – don’t let these people silence you, don’t…they have no right…and, they’re wrong, because they lie and they destroy and they kill and because they’re actually the racist ones and they’re the intolerant ones…it’s disgusting, the left, antifa, black lives matter, the MSM, the AOC’s and the Watters’ and the Pelosi’s – they are despicable people, are they even people (I mean, the HATE is abhorrent and they’re allowed to get away with it, meanwhile me and my sons and my wife, they say we’re evil because we’re white; how horrible is that?!?!?!).
We’ve tried to raise our boys right…my family, my two young sons have been getting the real truth about how the world works, how dangerous leftist ideology is, etc. and our family discusses the virtue of what it means to be a true Patriot, an American; we talk geopolitical topics and have been since my boys could talk.
We’ve been engaging with them, so I’m not kidding, both of my boys, 11 and 12, are able to talk about tax policy, military intervention policy, self-reliance, etc…all of it, with their own words and thoughts – let me be clear, we DO NOT tell them what to think, we talk about the issues, we explain both sides of the issue and we get ‘into it’…my sons were more educated on government, politics, America and her Founders…they were more educated at literally 7-8-9 years old and could have a discussion with more facts than your average CNN host or college professor and certainly more than the avg college student.
***Bottom Line, I loved your article and I love the flag and have been thinking about getting it tattoo’d for years (where I can hide it for work purposes…but again, how sad is that, that in America, in 2019, I not only feel as though I can’t discuss these topics with those in my industry, I KNOW I can’t – if I’d like to keep my company from going under).
I wish it weren’t the case, but it is – and the worst part is that, this here, what I’m describing is the entire point of Political Correctness, of Identity Politics, etc. – the idiots on the left are getting away with it, they’re able to SILENCE normal, everyday PROUD AMERICANS like me and my boys for the simple fact that I don’t want the government dictating everything in my life or the lives of my young boys.
I should say, there have been a few folks who think like I do from my industry and we can kinda spot each other and we’ll talk in the corner…it just SUCKS BEING SILENCED by these DAMN BULLIES.
To everyone, please know that there are American loving Patriots in the Outdoor Industry, and even though we have no voice, we’re there and I just pray that there are more like me than I realize.
Sincerely, Mr. Xavier…I loved reading your article and I appreciate all of the comments here and the fact that you’ve responded so kindly to everyone – it is insane to me that more people (say, in the ‘middle’), that they don’t recognize that the loudest voices for tolerance, are ALWAYS, the most intolerant…I just don’t get it, is the MSM that good at pulling the wool over so many eyes or is it just the fact that most are indoctrinated from Pre K through College and EVERYWHERE else in society.
The fact that there are any on our side to me, just says that we’re in the right side as our ideas are better – if they weren’t, there literally would not be any of us left.
Again, I THANK YOU and I’m sorry for such a long message – this is the first ever, for real, this is the first time I’ve ever written a comment so I guess I had quite a bit to get off my chest.
PLEASE, keep being a public voice for those like me, who just want to raise my boys, work hard and be left the heck alone and not called a racist because I’m not falling for the BS that’s peddled like ‘manmade’ Climate Change (THE WORST, in my industry).
Wishing you well and all of the other America First Patriots in our great land.
TRUMP2020 (I had no idea that he would be so incredible for our side, I had NO IDEA) – let’s get him back in and shoot, I also never thought in a million years that I’d say this either, but I wish the 22nd Amendment would be thrown out, as I don’t see anyone nearly as strong as him so it worries me for what’s next)….OK, I’m done now – thank you again!!
Thomas Xavier says
Hi John, I really appreciate your comment and would agree that the cornerstone to all democracy is open communication without fear of reprisal. Just because people disagree doesn’t mean they can’t get along. Case and point; by American standards I would be considered a liberal but by European standards I am center-right. Perspective is always an interesting mistress.
As a matter of principle, I don’t discuss politics on this blog because I believe preparedness crosses party lines and and this is what matters to me more than what I see as partisan rhetoric on other forums. If I were American, I would be a firm constitutionalist (including the 22nd- you don’t get to pick and choose what you like) with voltairist, secular leanings. With that said, I believe that respect underpins society and I would encourage you and anyone else reading this to take a step back with a view to establish dialogue- not censorship.
On that note, I wish you all the best to you and your family and I would encourage you to get the Gadsden flag tattooed should you so wish as its a fine symbol of American defiance in the face of adversity and should anyone complain, to politely explain to them the history and perhaps make a new friend along the way! ;)
Ted Calloway says
I can’t tell if this comment is a parody or insanely out of touch. Professors preaching how great communism is made you think you were on the left? People in your life are too afraid to tell you they think you’re insane. But I promise they roll their eyes behind your back. You rail against the left in your entire post and call them intolerant and then throw out the removal of term limits. Think about how you would respond to anyone who ever suggested that about Obama. You would be incensed.
Patriot from Michigan says
I can’t tell if that reply was a parody, or insanely out of touch. Professors “indoctrinating” impressionable younger folk with fallacious virtues of communism tends to make them believe liberal policies are good since they are presented with no alternative. These institutions no longer teach you how to think, but ‘what’ to think. Deviance from far-left ideas is not very popular in the educational system. I would call that intolerant.
The twisted non-truths from the left’s indoctrination campaign are glaring, and plastered all through K-12, college, big-tech, most news media, and corporations folding against demands from the very few to be “woke” or else they will be boycotted. I would also call that intolerant.
Our educational system is the genesis of all this distorted reality, and this cancer keeps growing:
–Teaching young children they are oppressors or victims based on the color of their skin.
–Teaching children at a very young age to ignore biology and use incorrect pronouns to address people who say they are what they are not… and making them believe those lies.
–Destroying women’s rights by allowing men to flat-out lie about their (indoctrinated falacy of) “gender identity” to unfairly compete against women in sports. Pointing out this obvious fact gets you labeled a homo/trans phobic. Again, intolerant.
— Instructing children as young as 6 that their gender is “fluid” and may change during their life. This is damaging, biologically incorrect information, and brainwashing children with blatant lies at that age is abuse. It is not science, and does not belong in public education. This is a parental issue, not the state’s.
This list could go on for pages. But the point is: To any freedom-loving believer in the honest truth is that the eyerolling would *not* be at the poster “Conservatarian Patriot”… And, the statement “people in your life are too afraid to tell you they think you’re insane” sounds like more politically correct weak-kneed safe-space brand of liberalism you probably picked up in school yourself.
Rik says
That was a wonderful article, Thomas. Tnx so much. I think I will use the Gadsden image on my next batch of QSL cards.
de w2rik
Thomas Xavier says
Glad you like it mate!
Stan Gabay says
I love this article! Thank you for explaining the historical side of the flag! I have learned quite a bit. I especially appreciate how you describe the nature and actions of the rattlesnake as it pertains to us as a nation. We don’t initiate trouble, but will defend ourselves when provoked.
Thank you for knowing and sharing the history of this Gadsden flag!
Thomas Xavier says
You are more than welcome Stan, glad I could be of service.
Amy says
Thank you for this article. My husband and I were recently traveling with friends by car in the state of Virginia. He pointed out a “don’t tread on me” bumper sticker on a car and I gave him a positive reaction because we think of the symbol as you do, keeping it’s origins in mind. We were quickly corrected by our friends who said it was a racist symbol. Since it was a social visit we did not wish to debate the point. We just let it go but asked ourselves later “When did this flag become a racist symbol?” I would like groups to use some imagination and come up with their own symbols and stop appropriating symbols that already have their own meaning and historical context. The Betsy Ross flag is not a racist symbol either.
Thomas Xavier says
Aye, its a damn shame those sorts of people appropriate historical symbols but expecting honor and decency from them I think may be asking too much. ;)
Kent McManigal says
When everything is racist, nothing is racist. They’ve jumped the shark.
Vince C. says
Reading the words of Ben Franklin regarding this flag gives me chills. The flag and it’s meaning enshrines the code in which I live my life by. I do not care if you are black, white, brown, red, or green with pink polka dots. Nor do I give a shit if you are straight, gay, bi, trans, or whatever gender of the day you choose. I treat you as you treat me. PERIOD! I will never become a threat to anyone, unless they become a threat to me, or my family. Then all bets are off. I play to win.
Thomas Xavier says
People should expect to be treated as they treat others indeed. Thanks for dropping by Vince.
Tom Schaeffer says
I’ve had mine flying high for over 20 years. Now some…… neighbors are offended. Go figure. So I put a bigger spot light on it with old glory just above.Well written article.
Thomas Xavier says
Cheers Tom, seems to me that people are offended by everything these days, best to ignore it.
Gary says
Thanks for the post. I have asked several people what the flag means and nobody can tell me. Your post was informative.
Thomas Xavier says
Thanks for the feedback Gary, much appreciated.
Meade Skelton says
I see a lot of “Don’t Tread on Me” license plates in Virginia, even in the city where I live, that is predominantly liberal, and I always thought it stood for the Tea Party , or Conservative values. I had no idea it was just Libertarian. It would give me more hope that it echoes conservative sentiments, since Virginia is rapidly turning into a blue state, and I was hoping this would be met with more people who stood up to it.
Thomas Xavier says
Its roots are libertarian, that said I would wager that a significant proportion of people who rock the Gadsden flag are right-leaning.
Andrew says
Fun Fact: In Old Dominion, Virginia, one can get this as ones license plate! Represent!
Might be available in other states/commonwealths?
If it’s not, make it so!
Any DMV ought to welcome the opportunity to squeeze more pennies out of us. :)
Thomas Xavier says
That is possibly the most badass license plate, ever.
Chuck Graus says
Thanks for the article it was very educational. I was on the right track. I appreciate the history lesson.
Thomas Xavier says
Glad you enjoyed it Chuck!
Camren says
Loved reading this, I’m actually doing an essay on the flag and I learned a lot more than I ever knew about it. I just have one solid question. Why does the snake face left?
Morgan says
Had a stoney thought and wondered what this flag meant and thoroughly enjoyed reading this article! Thanks man!
Gregg Cummings says
Me too, and love some of those shirts as well
Thomas Xavier says
You’re welcome Morgan!
Shane says
I really enjoyed reading. I got a feeling we see with the same eyes no matter the subject! Look forward to finding out. Please let me know the best platform to follow on. Good stuff, keep it up!
*From the day we are first introduced to the alphabet we learn to read. For the rest of our lives we read to learn.*
Thomas Xavier says
Great quote Shane & thanks for the feedback. Sadly I am not on social media very much- you can subscribe to the blog or our twitter ( https://twitter.com/mtjsblog ).
Larry Shupe says
I have recently purchased a pair of caps with the Stars and Stripes patch on front and the Don’t Tread On Me patch on back. I wear them proudly because my son is in the military and also because I am very proud of who I am as a person and a patriot. I am not a person who attacks but like the rattlesnake , I DO stand my ground. The pc crap I have always condemned because that is not who I am. My father raised his 6 children to be true to your heart and don’t EVER sway to appease. Be honest. Lashing out is unexceptionable. Defending who you are as a person is a MUST. The words “Don’t Tread On Me” are words true Americans should live by. In these days when our personal freedoms are under attack from the left , we need a symbol to rally behind that stands for our rights as they are written in the constitution. Your article was beautifully written and I will be passing it on to those I love and those I don’t in the hope that one day this country will open its eyes and recognize who we truly are.
Thomas Xavier says
Well said Larry, much appreciate your feedback.
Danjo says
The imagery comes from Aesop’s Fable. A snake went to the goddess Juno and complained that people were constantly stepping on him. Juno told the snake that if he had bitten the first one, there would not have been a second.
Thomas Xavier says
Didn’t know that! What a great story. Definitely fits with the contemporary theme. Thanks for educating me Danjo, I appreciate it!
Monna Anderson says
At work, I want to tell my co-workers “Don’t tread on me.” as they often load work that is technically theirs off on me as if they are the entitled generation and I should do their load. They are ungrateful for the job which is a hard one,while claiming they should be somewhere better. I feel if they show their passion doing that which is in front of them while they make the money they need to get to where they want to be going they’ll have a better chance of reaching their goals! Meanwhile they should do their own damn work!
Thomas Xavier says
Agreed Monna, sounds like you have a pretty toxic workplace- ever raised this issue with them directly?
If you are going to be doing their job whilst they complain, you should get a raise. ;)
Tom Elliott says
When I post it to FaceBook it comes up “Gasden” instead of “Gadsden”
Elise Xavier says
Thank you so much for letting us know! I think it’s fixed now – give it a try!
dan seven says
Well the Rights that we sometimes enjoy have actually been revoked and sold to somebody else. We might exclaim ‘do not tread on me’ when it comes to these rights, but yesterday the POTUS just signed away the right for Americans to be here looking at this reply without selling out the fact that you were here to a 3rd party interest for money or to create a personal profile of You for WHATEVER purposes or Agency. In the Repeal for Broadband Internet Privacy Rules, your browser history just became a commodity for sale. I myself am proud to see the Gadsden’s Flag from any military base. However, the one above the wall above
your computer, if you are in the USA is now a joke.
Thomas Xavier says
Aye, this egregious assault on our right to privacy and our data is insane. I cannot believe the legislature (or perhaps, I can believe far too easily) went along with it so easily with nary a whimper in protest.
The ability for American ISP’s to pimp out your browsing history is frankly insane. This is not even about national security- just brazen corporate greed.
vocalpatriot says
Just a note on my observation of the perspective of those that designed the flag.
The snake chosen for the flag, being a rattlesnake, is NOT a defiant figure. Nor is it aggressive. It purely defensive, and warns anyone that strays too close.
My point is the Gadsden flag is not intended to be a representation of strength, more a warning that the powers that be are over stepping their authority and should expect to receive just consequences, should they not repent.
Thomas Xavier says
Yup, its a warning- not a threat which I feel carries more weight anyway.
Thanks for dropping by Vocal Patriot!
Bill says
Wonderfully thought out article. And, I in the same school of thought as Ben. The flag, its symbolism and definition does not mean that I am passive, nor does it mean that I am an aggressive individual. What I find is that it exudes that I will not be a three strikes or turn the other cheek individual. But, rather that I am of sound mind and a threat to me, my beliefs, those I love and my moral fortitude will not be put on display. I will strike back.
Thomas Xavier says
“those I love and my moral fortitude will not be put on display. I will strike back.”
You and me both brother.
Ben Leucking says
Mr. Xavier,
Great article, and you’ve summarized the original message and intent very well. I view the appropriate use of the Gadsden Flag on three different levels.
Internationally: This flag should be flown beneath the Stars and Stripes at every U.S. Embassy worldwide, on all U.S. ships, and at every military post and outpost (FOB).
Nationally: It should always be a reminder to our federal government that any attempt to deprive its citizens of individual freedom and liberty is done at their risk.
Personally: It is a symbol that violation of my Second Amendment, or any of our Inalienable Rights will not be tolerated by me.
I proudly display the Gadsden Flag.
Clifford Harris says
I agree with you 110%!
Thomas Xavier says
My thoughts precisely. Sadly, here in Ole Blighty’ we don’t have a 2a right but its important to preserve the ones we do have. If we don’t push back they will just walk all over us.
John Cornell says
Didn’t a revolutionary anti-royalist English group have the same slogan? Maybe no rattlesnake but possibly a viper. Could have sworn I’d seen it in that context.
Thomas Xavier says
Mhm, I can’t think of any example but it would be interesting to dig up. Thanks for sharing that tidbit John, i’ll look into it!
Kent McManigal says
I designed my own take-off of the Gadsden Flag over a decade ago: http://kentforliberty.com/TimesUp.html and I clearly wrote what my version means, and what it doesn’t mean- for anyone who cares to go to the source. (Not that everyone cares to do so…)
Thomas Xavier says
“It tells the enemies of liberty that for over 200 years we have watched liberty and freedom being outlawed, ridiculed, restricted, marginalized and destroyed. Tyrants were warned “Don’t tread on me” and they refused to listen. Time’s up! This is the new flag of the resistance. ”
Anyone who has seen the way our media has perverted the truth could not find fault with your ideology.
I love it Kent,
Mark Hanley says
Well written article. I too perceive it as don’t fuck with me or mine and I won’t you and yours. If you choose to, you’ll be a sorry motherfucker…in a nutshell.
Thomas Xavier says
Damn straight mate. Thanks for the compliment!
Todd says
Completely agree! Great article. The political correctness forced down our throats in US is very sad. The media no longer reports facts only their opinion on how we should react to events.
Thomas Xavier says
Yup, did you see the attack by the Daily Mail on the slingshot channel? What a pile of vile bollocks.
And then the media is surprised when we don’t trust the bastards. Go figure.
Richard says
Which article?
Thomas Xavier says
http://www.thetruthaboutknives.com/2017/04/daily-mail-slanders-slingshot-channels-joerg-sprave-accuses-him-of-instructing-terrorists/ has a good round up.
Sean says
Interesting and informative article. The only I see the Don’t Tread on Me flag is on Instagram when guys are showing off their guns and gear.
Thomas Xavier says
To be fair, guns and other fun gear have been under attack from the political establishment to an egregious level so it makes sense (to me) to state my political ideals alongside them when I display them.
Deep down I feel I should have been born a Texan! ;)
Margie L Lincoln says
I am born, raised, bred, and hopefully composted when that time comes….Texan. I agree with you. Thank you for words of wisdom.
Michael Francis says
This flag replaced the Union Jack on U.S. Navy ships July 4, 1975 to July 4, 1976. Modern U.S. Gov’t application.
Thomas Xavier says
Very interesting, seems to have been chosen for the anniversary (bicentennial).
Thanks for sharing that tidbit of history Michael