Just a few shots I took while we were doing up the pictures for the Kershaw Blur, Ontario Rat-1, Kershaw Leek, and CRKT M16 reviews.
Knives Featured
- Kershaw Blur
> Read our review of the Blur - Ontario RAT-1
> Read our review of the RAT-1 - Kershaw Leek
> Read our review of the Leek - CRKT M-16
> Read our review of the M16
Abel says
Love reading the knife reviews y’all have and pretty much everything else on here. Keeps me informed and sometimes new ideas on different prepping ideas.
Elise Xavier says
Thanks so much! Glad to be able to help in any way we can. :)
Thank-you for stopping by & leaving a comment. Hope to be seeing you around the blog again! :)
Peter Colligan says
Have you guys thought much about entering the world of video reviews on YT to supplement the site – a bit like Tony at everydaycommentary does? I have a channel and am thinking about doing a written reviews blog as a sister project.
Elise Xavier says
Hey Peter! We’ve been asked this a few times, and while we briefly considered it, we probably won’t be doing any video reviews to supplement the site, no. We feel that sticking to one medium and getting as much out there as possible in terms of that one medium is much more important than spreading ourselves thin and trying to do too much.
Besides that, the way I see it, there’s no point in repeating what we’ve already written in a video review (there won’t be much said that’s different since we still feel the same way about the knives).
Props to those who are able to stay going strong with their content turnover (like Tony from Everyday Commentary – he’s crazy good at keeping up with publishing) and are able to expand into video as well! But I don’t think we’re the type who would be able to do that. The number of new posts on here would go down quite a lot if we were to try filming video reviews as well.
Hope that answers everything!
Chris says
I always love your photos!
Elise Xavier says
Thanks so much, Chris! :)
Dan Seven says
Dude.. that is a far larger pipe than mine.. i would be scared to pack it..
Thomas Xavier says
Haha, believe it or I have bigger! I do enjoy my 30-40 minute smoke breaks in the sun. Sometimes I even have a second bowl right after finishing the first.
As a fellow north pole resident I am sure you appreciate how much being in the sun is an opportunity that should be seized at any cost!
Thanks for dropping by Dan, always appreciate your comments.