I had this article published on Survival Pulse for quite a long time, but since pulling down the website and taking the news updates completely underground, this article has vanished from the net. I took down a significant number of pages from the site, including this one showcasing the free survival e-books you can get.
Still valuable information, but no longer has a place over on the Survival Pulse website, so I figured I’d stick the article on here for anyone who may be interested.
Not all the time, but often enough, there are books on Amazon that are billed in at $0 and thus completely free to download. While the books are from the Kindle eStore, you don’t have to buy a Kindle eReader to take advantage of them: just download the Kindle App for your computer, tablet, or phone and you’re good to go.
If you want to purchase a Kindle eReader anyway (the battery life is excellent, meaning you can continue to access all your valuable survival information on a Kindle with a simple solar charger – even in a SHTF situation), you can buy a Kindle eReader here.
If you’re interested, also take a look at the most popular survival and preparedness books on the web.
Find Free Survival & Prepper Ebooks
I used to have a huge list of free eBook covers posted here for you to click through, but I found that while at the time of posting, the eBooks were all $0, prices would change sporadically, sometimes bouncing back and forth between $1.99, .99, and free, other times skyrocketing to $6 or so. Either way, I found the way I’d done things wasn’t as helpful as it could be. It wasn’t very convenient to click on each individual book to see if it was still on sale or at a good price, and it was impossible for me to keep updating the list with newly free books, so I changed the structure of this post.
Now I have it so that the links below are not going to take you directly to free eBooks. What they are going to do is take you to pages that arrange Amazon eBooks by lowest price to highest price per topic, which will help you find out if there are free/cheap eBooks being offered, and further, if there are any quality eBooks on sale/currently going for a really cheap price that you might like to grab.
I cannot promise there will be free eBooks available when you happen to look, but be sure to come back and check regularly, because it does happen, and I’ve seen people grab tonnes of free survival, prepping, security, first aid, and other valuable prepper topic related eBooks this way.
Without further ado, feel free to use the links below to see if there happen to be free survival & prepper eBooks on Amazon right now:
- Survival related eBooks on Amazon from lowest to highest price.
- Prepper related eBooks on Amazon from lowest to highest price.
- DIY related eBooks on Amazon from lowest to highest price.
- First Aid related eBooks on Amazon from lowest to highest price.
- Home repair related eBooks on Amazon from lowest to highest price.
- Security related eBooks on Amazon from lowest to highest price.
- Canning related eBooks on Amazon from lowest to highest price.
- Gardening related eBooks on Amazon from lowest to highest price.
Have You Found Any Free Survival eBooks?
Have you found any free survival, prepping, gear, first aid, security, gardening, or any other prepper-related topic eBook before? Did you find it on Amazon or elsewhere? Which book was it? What did you think of the eBook?
Let me know in the comments section down below!
Good source of inexpensive (but not free) books on all these topics is your local library’s book sale. I have obtained many DIY, construction, firearm and gardening books this way. If you wait until the last few days of the sale, there is usually a “bag” sale (at least at the libraries I frequent) so you can get a whole bag or box full for extremely cheap. This is how I get my winter’s reading. (I also use Kindle, so thanks!)
Also, here in the US, you can frequently find free books at the “little libraries” which have sprung up all over neighborhoods in many towns. In my home town, you can’t drive more than a couple of blocks without seeing one.
Naturally, you can also go to thrift stores and yard sales for the hard copy books as well.
BTW, I have most of my “keeper” Kindle books backed up on DVD and also a portable disk drive.
Great tips JDC, i also have redundant backups for my ebooks. Better safe than sorry!
Lots of links, but no list of free e-books.
Never mind! After a page refresh, they all appeared.
My god did they really all not appear? :S Maybe I should have text as well just in case.
Elise, thank you so much for your notifications on Free Stuff. I will enjoy reading these books during the upcoming winter months. Hugs from Florida!
Glad to be able to share them! :) Hugs from Bournemouth!