The amount of information on this website gets unwieldy to look at sometimes. With well over 300 posts so far, it can be difficult for even Thomas and I to remember what information we’ve already covered and what still needs to be said, especially since at times we’ll have discussed topics on our survival forum or even through one-on-one emails with people that we may not yet have touched on here on More Than Just Surviving.
It’s about time some of those pages got sorted out by grouping them together by topics, and so I’m here to start off with a list of articles we’ve discussed prepper stockpiles in. Each of these articles I’ve placed in a separate category, for ease of browsing. As I add more articles about stockpiling to this website, I’ll also add them to this list.
Starting a Stockpile
Restarting a Stockpile: Why I’m Starting with Household Supplies
If you’ve got to start or restart a stockpile any time soon, this is one to read. Here, I discuss why starting with household supplies, even though it may not be the most obvious of choices, was the best decision for me, and how to tell if it’s the right decision for you.
Stockpiling on a Budget
How to Stockpile Items for Free or Next to Nothing
It’s actually a lot easier than you might think to stockpile items with little to no money. How is made clear in this particular article, though there are some excellent further suggestions made by readers in the comments’ section of this post.
10 Tips for Building a Stockpile on a Budget
It’s hard to prep when money is tight, and so this article takes that into consideration, giving you 10 ways besides couponing that you can take advantage of when you’re when you’re working on a prepper stockpile on a very tight budget.
How to Stockpile Food and Other Goods Cheaply
Taking you back to the basics, this article gives you a good overview of what needs to be done if you’re going to stockpile cheaply. The kind of article that’s important for every prepper to read, whether or not they’re tight on cash. Because let’s be real, the more affordably you can buffer up your prepper stockpile, the more you’re going to be able to get that stockpile to what you want/need it to be. Besides, those extra savings over the year can really make a huge difference, allowing you to even go so far as to get that bug out location you’ve always dreamed about.
Cheap & Budget Survival Gear
Cheap Survival Gear: Best You Can Buy for Under $25
Thomas and I have not tried all the items on this list, but they’re all items we would never hesitate to test out. It’s easy to overlook the cheaper items and go for branded items that are more pricey but you feel you can trust more. And if you’re the kind of person who just wants to buy a few good things that will last forever and will break the bank a little at first to do it – that’s not a problem. But there’s absolutely nothing wrong with buying cheaper items that may turn out to be even more valuable to you in the long run than the more expensive, branded options. The savings from one item could help you buff up your survival gear stockpile a great deal quicker on a budget than buying pricier items ever could. The only caveat: make sure you test the cheaper items to make sure they’re quality enough for you to trust your life to when the time comes.
Knife & Outdoor Gear Stores: Best Sale, Deal, & Clearance Pages to Watch
If you’re game for buying your survival gear from online stores besides Amazon, bookmark this page so you can keep checking back on the deals that other online retailers like Cabela’s and REI have on their pages. Basically just a massive list article linking to all the sales and clearance pages I could find that might be helpful for those stocking up on survival and outdoor gear. Certainly worth a gander every month or two.
What to Stockpile
The Best Survival Foods: Non-Perishables That Can Outlive You
One of my favourite articles on this entire blog because of just how much I personally refer back to it. I wrote up this article just as much for myself as I did for everyone else, as I began to stockpile food items that ended up expiring long before I had eaten them (and I do like to rotate through my food stockpile so this made me very unhappy!). If you want a large prepper food stockpile, but also want to cut down on food waste that occurs because food expired too soon, this is one for you.
The Ultimate Survival Gear List: Add to Your Survival Kit!
Again, one of my favourite articles on this site, but less because I refer back to it often and more because it acts as a huge weight off my shoulders when I start to worry I’m missing some kind of gear. If I’m in that frame of mind, I usually just check my gear against this list (more mentally, since while I should have a giant list of the gear I own, I’m not that organized yet), and see how I’m doing in terms of what I still need to get. I go through this list about once a year – so again, not too often, but it’s a nice way for me to put my mind at ease.
The Ultimate First Aid Supplies List: Be Ready for Anything
A massive list filled with as many useful first aid supplies as we could think you might like to have at home. Not your ordinary first aid kit list, however, as there are plenty of items in this comprehensive article you may or may not want to stock at home. Excellent if you’ve already got a first aid kit or two and if you’ve already got an at-home stockpile of first aid supplies, but still want to make sure you’ve left nothing that may be useful out.
Which Booze is Best for a Prepper Stockpile?
Why is it important to know which booze is best for a prepper stockpile? Alcohol is great for many purposes in SHTF and TEOTWAWKI situations: and we’re not just talking about the effects it has on you if you drink it. It’s excellent for trading and for first aid: but do you know which ones are ideal to stockpile for those and other prepper purposes? Take a look at the article to find out.
Winter Emergency Supplies: Get ‘Em While It’s Still Warm!
One winter when we were back in Toronto, the city got hit with an ice storm that knocked out the grid for 5 nights and 4 days – more in some places of the city but that’s how long our electricity was out. Being without any heat in sub-zero temperatures was probably the worst part of that experience, but I can tell you – it sure taught me a lot. Around a month later, I decided to really get serious about my winter preparedness, and took the time to write up this list of emergency winter supplies. In case we were ever stuck without electricity in the winter again, I wanted to be ready: really ready. So that’s what this list is here for.
Stockpiling Best Practices
Should You Rotate Through Your Food Stockpile?
One of the most important questions you could ever possibly ask yourself about a food stockpile is whether or not you’d prefer to rotate through your food stockpile or not. Some have a definite yes or no answer to this question about food stockpile rotation. Others prefer to rotate through part of their stockpile and not rotate through another part of their stockpile. Whether or not you choose to do so is up to you, of course, but it’s helpful for you to be informed of all the benefits of both ways of going about doing things: to see if you yourself will want to rotate through, to not rotate at all, or to do some hybrid of the two options.
Why I Considered Stockpiling Water in Jerrycans & Why I’m Stocking Bottled Water Instead
What’s the best way to store water when you have very limited space? I explain why I originally thought jerrycans would be the way to go, but later changed my mind and decided to stock up on bottled water instead. Don’t agree that this is the best way to do things? Let me know if you have a better solution to water stockpiling in the comments section of this article!
If there’s a stockpile-related topic you’d like discussed on this blog, please don’t hesitate to let us know, either by contacting us or by leaving a comment down below. We love answering reader questions, so don’t hesitate to share yours!
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