Hey guys! We love the comments and questions we’ve been getting on More Than Just Surviving lately. In an attempt to open up the discussion around survival and preparedness a bit more, we’ve created two new Google+ pages, one for Wilderness Survival & Bushcraft, and the other for all things Preppers, Prepping, & Preparedness.We’d love it if you took the time to swing by and share your favourite link or let us know what you’re doing in terms of bushcraft training and/or personal preparedness! Of course you’re absolutely always welcome to let us know in the comments, or by contacting us personally, but we figured this way it would be easier to make the conversation more inclusive and keep it going longer.
We’d also like to invite webmasters of other survival and preparedness blogs or communities to join us on these Google+ Communities as well! Feel free to share links to your articles and involve yourselves in discussions in order to help give your website more exposure. Your articles and links are valuable and we’d love to learn from them, so don’t hesitate to share.
For those of you who are not all that interested in survival and prep, and are mostly just here for the knife and everyday carry posts, we’ve also got Knives and EDC Everyday Carry Google+ Communities already up and running!
So if you’re on G+ and are interested in connecting, take a peek at our communities. See you online!
I’ll have to check it out.